5 Struggles of Living with PCOS

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Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is something that affects millions of women all around the UK. It's a condition to where the normal functioning of your ovaries is affected, and can result in some very unsavoury symptoms!

I've written this post as a bit of a laugh, but also because some of the symptoms are often misunderstood. As someone with PCOS this is definitely about my own struggles and do not speak for everyone!

1) Spending at least £50 a month on hair removal products!

Seriously, it grows so quick. People with PCOS can struggle with having long, dark, thick hairs grow anywhere from the chin to the bottom of your back. I now stockpile Nair and my boyfriend is so used to seeing me with a cream moustache *facepalm*

2) Thinking your pregnant at least 6 times a month.

Okay seriously, what is the deal? I either get no period, a massive period, or multiple tiny periods! Often people with PCOS have an irregular period which can lead to frequent over-worriers like myself going crazy with worry!

I honestly don't mind putting on 5lb when i've had a naughty! 

3) Putting on 5lb even when you've genuinely eaten really well :( .

Perhaps the most frustrating thing for me is when I've eaten really healthily, kept to a daily limit, and I still put on weight! It does eventually go, but people with PCOS will hear me when I say that standing on the scales is demoralising when your body doesn't always want to play ball.

4) My skin produces enough oil for Mcdonald's to cook their chips!

I used to think that it was just teenage hormones. Then I thought it must be my diet. I've tried every trick in the book to have beautiful dewy skin, and yet come afternoon I nearly always have a bit of a sheen.

5) Bugging those I love with my constant mood swings!

It is a common side effect for those with PCOS to then develop depression/mood swings as a result of loss of confidence/self-worth of having PCOS. So it doesn't only bugger up my physical health but makes ME feel bad about it. Fantastic.

I wanted to write this as a sort of tongue in cheek post. So many times in my life I've had comments from people, "why are your arms so hairy" or "you're clearly not eating well to have put on 2lbs" and it really hurts. To the point where now, 21 year old me still removes all of my hair and never update anyone on my weight loss!

I feel like so many people may go through my struggles and probably have never sought a diagnosis. If you're in the UK, check out the NHS website for PCOS and definitely get checked out by your GP.

Thanks for Reading,

Ellie xx