
15:54 Unknown 2 Comments

Having just got back from Barcelona,  I couldn't wait to write a post. I went to New York earlier this year, and though that it was the most beautiful city i'd ever seen. I can now confirm that Barcelona may be my new favourite! 

We went for 4 nights, from Tuesday returning home on Saturday, for Luke's birthday. The weather was absolutely fantastic, ranging from 26 to 31 degrees Celsius. I really recommend getting the lonely planet's pocket guide for Barcelona, as it has a fantastic map and very good reviews of where to go. You can get it here! 

On the first day, we were extremely tired from the early flight, and our previous adventure in London. We managed however, to go to Port Vell, where we were told we would get amazing seafood... 

Of course, you can't go to Spain without trying some paella! In Barcelona, the restaurants price paella up on the basis that two people will share, and range anywhere from around 11 Euros each upwards. I've eaten paella at home, trying to mimic the deep flavours, but the freshness of this seafood and the intricate balance of flavours is difficult to imitate. It was beautiful, with huge prawns, mussels and clams, with some small cuts of white fish for good measure. It was huge, and we struggled to finish it no matter how hard our taste buds resisted! 

The next day, we started off with a walk down La Rambla. Beautiful flower stalls are everywhere you turn, making this walk smell very sweet. 
This is a good place to find gifts and souvenirs, with lots of narrow alleyways hosting fantastic independent shops and markets. We went around midday on a weekday, and it wasn't too busy at all. 

Later that same day, we explored the streets and alleyways of Barcelona. It seems like every street corner had beautiful buildings, and amazing sculptures. The city really is rich in both it's history and beauty. 

This is the Arc de Triomf, which leads on to what feels like a catwalk leading in to Park Ciutadella. It really is breathtaking, and as we walked through there was a small group of musicians playing instruments i'd never seen. After walking for miles, this was a sight to behold. 

We finished the day with a visit to La Sagrada Familia, a large Roman Catholic Church, designed by the famous Antoni Gaudi. Though still under construction, this is a wonderful piece of architecture, with even the smallest details shining. If you visit Barcelona, this must be one of your top things to see if you are a lover of both architecture and modern history. 

Following this, the next morning was Luke's treat. He's a lover of football, and was desperate to visit Camp Nou. For any football fans, i would definitely recommend this as a vital part of your trip. Though I am not massively interested in football, the tour included a look at the trophy room, a visit to the pitch, the press room, the dressing room and a look in to the history of one of Europe's best football clubs. 

After being dragged round the football stadium, we visited Park Guell. This was my most anticipated part of our trip. It is just 8 Euros each for entry, but beware as it  is definitely best to book in advance in order to gain entry. Again, a park designed by Gaudi, it feels as though you are wondering through an enchanted park. The mosaics and sculptures are awe-inspiring, and you could spend hours walking round, noting all of the tiny details. 

Finally, we finished our holiday with some mojito's on the beach. It was lovely to relax and enjoy the sun, and though the beach is very busy we didn't struggle to find a spot. 

Overall, Barcelona is amazing. Everything from the lamposts to the roundabouts have been meticulously thought out and designed, and means for a very beautiful trip. Though we only spent 4 nights there, we felt as though we got a really good feel for this city, and can't wait to return. 

Have you ever been? What were your favourite parts? 

Thanks for reading,

Ellie xx 



  1. Reading this reminded me of my trip to Barcelona earlier this year! I completely agree with everything you wrote, and it is a beautiful city :)

  2. When you said over on my blog that you went to Barcelona too, I was happy too see you did a blogpost about it! As you say, everything is planned in the city to create a unique architecture. Gaudi's works are amazing!
    Did you see the green parrots in the palm trees around the Arc de Triomf? I was amazed when I saw them, it felt like a tropical island or something haha.
    Lovely post!

    Julia xx
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