Elizabeth is Missing - Emma Healy Book Review!

19:04 Unknown 0 Comments

I had finished this book a little while ago, and if i'm honest... I kinda forgot about it. This novel was one that I picked up 100% sure I would enjoy. I'd heard a lot of good things and thought that this would be a sure thing by way of enjoyment. 
I mean, it weren't terrible, it was just.... uh. Nothing.

The story tells of Maud, an elderly lady with dementia. I used to be a community carer and all of my visits were with dementia patient's... and for the most part I loved working with them. Because of this, I thought I would enjoy Maud as a character (perhaps naively). She lives alone and the story tells of her in the modern day, but also as a young girl when her older sister goes missing. In her modern day life, she misses her friend Elizabeth deeply, and is constantly searching for answers about her friends whereabouts, much to the annoyance of the police, her daughter, and Elizabeth's son. 

Kind of crime-murder-mystery, this was an element I found Healey dealt with really well, particularly with her descriptions through the eyes of someone with dementia. 
Maud's dementia was described very respectfully throughout the story, and at no point did I feel confused reading Maud's confusion... If that makes sense? 

The only downside I have to this is it feels to me like it missed a bit of umph. I genuinely forgot about this book almost immediately as I put it down. The ending, to me, was incredibly predictable and if anything just made me excited to finally put it down and devour a new book.
This book is by no means to me, incredible. But neither is it terrible.
If you want a short read that you could finish on your way to work or sat round a pool, this would possibly be perfect for that. But perhaps don't pin your hopes on this being an exceptional story.

Have you read this, what do you think?
Also, how well do you feel dementia is described and dealt with in literature?

Thanks for reading,
Ellie xx